terça-feira, 17 de março de 2009

The truth about MYM

Oh well, I had given MYM one week to solve this situation or I would go public about it but I guess they have already decided to call it quits.

There are like two MYM's out there: the one everyone thinks that MYM are and the one that MYM truly are. Unfortunately for me, I only knew the last one.

After I left GotFrag.com, I opted to join MYM, it was the best offer I had on the table and the conditions offered were very good as I would have the chance to travel to the best events across the globe.

Although my contract with MYM only began on 19th January, I decided to start working for them on the 5th, since I was really excited with the project and really wanted it to grow even though I knew I would not be paid for those days. I had also been told not to join by MYM by some people, allegedly because of the way they treated their employees; however, I thought "wow, this is MYM, one of the best and richest organisations out there, they must be wrong."

Only days after I joined, i was told that all the salaries of the ESUP's (Editorial Supervisors) would probably be reduced and that everyone at the MYM office in Copenhagen had been fired. I started fearing for my job, things were not okay and so I contacted Mercy (COO for MYM), who assured me that my salary would not be touched and stressed I was very important to the company.

Therefore, I continued doing my thing, until February 12th, when, one week before CeBIT, I asked MYM whether I would be sent to Hannover and received a negative response. I immediately asked to have my contracted terminated since I knew where this was going. I was told I would have to wait one month to be free, which seemed fair to me, despite missing one of the year's top events, the Extreme Masters.

But there was still one pending issue that needed to be addressed: my salary. My contract stipulated that I would be paid every month on the 15th but there was nothing in my bank account, nor in WC3 ESUP Perdita's.

After asking and asking and asking what was going on, we never got a straight answer on this matter, sometimes it was just "the money has been sent", others "this is an ESNation matter, not MYM," until, on the 19th (I guess), we were released from our contracts, without ESNation giving us a real answer about our money.

Up until this day, I haven't received one penny for my work at MYM, something I never imagined to be possible in an organisation that had boasted to be the richest in the business.

The truth is: the CS team's contract expired at the end of February and their situation isn't much different from mine and, by the looks of it, I guess they will join another organisation.

I doubt I will ever get what I am entitled to and this is just to prove that, as I said in my article " I fear for eSports", this is such a young and naive busines... I don't know if I will move with legal actions against ESNation, probably not, most likely because I would spend more than I could get.

I just hope that whoever reads this gets this message as a wake-up call and sees that there is still so much to change in eSports...

5 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. During my time at MYM I was also promised things which I never received. To be frank, my contract was "in the post" for several months and has never made it to my house.

    I stayed quiet about this believing it to be nothing of importance, after all I was only CS ESUP for a website offering little money, nothing special. Perhaps I should have spoke out sooner ;[

  3. Check Mr. Mark Peter Fries recordsheets for previous employments - all his privatly owned companies have gone bankruptcy and 2 out of 3 IT-companies, where he have been employeed, have gone bankruptcy. He can't even sell enough stuff to make up for his wage. He is just in it for the cash and will promise you anything as long as he gets the profit. Now he has yet another Bankruptcy behind him. I wonder where we will see him next time.

  4. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
